The purpose of this article is to explain the role of the Digital Strategies team, describe the services they provide, and outline how to access their resources and support.
Vanderbilt University Community
Faculty and Staff
Undergraduate Students
Graduate and Professional Students
VUIT Internal Knowledge
Must be a member of the Vanderbilt University community to access certain resources and support services.
Some services and support options may require familiarity with OmniUpdate or WordPress CMS platforms.
Digital Strategies, part of the Communications and Marketing department, is responsible for managing the overall web presence and strategy for Vanderbilt University. The team oversees most of the university's web properties, providing support in web development, content management, and digital communication to ensure a cohesive and high-quality digital experience for all users on the domain.
Web Development
Web Content Management
Web Look and Feel
Communication and Outreach
Digital Strategies Website: Visit Digital Strategies to learn more about their services and access resources.
Help Desk: Access dedicated support through the Digital Strategies Help Desk, which operates independently from VUIT’s ticketing system.
These resources provide valuable guidance for those managing or developing Vanderbilt web content.
Online Training for OmniUpdate
Omni Tutorials
FutureVU Digital WordPress Theme Training * NEW *
WordPress Theme Documentation
WordPress Tutorials
For additional resources, training, or guidance, visit the Digital Strategies website or explore the Digital Strategies Help Resources to access documentation and tutorials.