The purpose of this article is to provide troubleshooting steps for Vanderbilt wireless networks.
Vanderbilt University Community
Faculty and Staff
Undergraduate Students
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VUIT Internal Knowledge
An active Vanderbilt account
A wireless-enabled device
No available networks
Can't connect due to a certificate issue
Mobile devices running Android 11 or other mobile operating system issues
Apple/MacOS connection issues
To troubleshoot these issues, try the following steps:
Check to make sure the Wi-Fi on the device is turned on.
Turn the Wi-Fi off and then back on again.
Restart the device.
"Forget" or remove the network connection from the device.
Go to, download the Vanderbilt Wi-Fi wrapper, and follow the prompts to reconnect.
If the errors still persists, submit a Service Request.
Additional Information
Connecting to vuNet
Connecting to vuDevices
Connecting to Eduroam