Following these step-by-step instructions will assist in reactivating Duo on a new phone or device. Steps are included for keeping the same phone number (most common) as well as for activating a new phone number for a new device.
Step-by-step guide on how to change your VUnetID password.
Following these instructions will help you reset an expired VU password.
The article summarizes the specifications recommended by specific colleges, as the University as a whole does not have a policy or specific suggestion for what type of workstation to bring.
This article summarizes what a vuNet ID is and how it is used across the many integrated systems and platforms that Vanderbilt University delivers. A VuNet ID is a unique identifier that serves as the primary authentication mechanism for all Vanderbilt University Information Technology (VUIT) services, providing secure access to various university resources and applications, including email, file storage, online applications, cloud computing, and campus computing resources.